Windows 10 build 9901: Hands-on with Cortana running on the desktop
While Microsoft plans to unveil the consumer features of Windows 10 during a press event in January, a new version has leaked onto the ...
While Microsoft plans to unveil the consumer features of Windows 10 during a press event in January, a new version has leaked onto the ...
Although, Microsoft has kept quiet about upcoming features of Windows 10, it’s not stopping for builds to leak outside the ...
Although Microsoft released the last version of Windows 10 for the year, it doesn’t mean that the company will stop working. New ...
As the end of September approaches, a new leak of Windows 10 (build 9841) surfaced on the internet, detailing more features and changes ...
Windows 10 starts to look good as Threshold builds 9834 leaks, giving us an early sneak peek of what the future holds for the next ...
Windows Threshold’s first technical preview release is due September 30th; we knew that certain top Microsoft partners already ...
The official English version of Windows 8.1 Pro RTM build 9600 for x86 and x64 finally leaks onto the web. Many have tried out the ...
Windows 8.1 officially became RTM on August 27th, now it appears that the English version of the operating system has leaked onto the ...
Literally hours after Microsoft released Windows 8.1 to PC manufacturers, the latest build has leaked on the internet. The Verge ...
We recently heard that Microsoft successfully completed Windows 8.1 RTM, follow this news the first screenshot of the new version made ...