Yes folks! The Start button is coming to Windows 8.1 (Blue) and here is the first screenshot that reveals the iconic button back, but it won’t look like the one you got used to in Windows 7.
The new button has the same shape and form like the Start button in the charms bar, it also behaves the same way (when hovered you notice how the button change colors). It’ll sit on the left side of the taskbar like in previous versions (where else, right?); while in the Start screen it won’t be visible until you hover the bottom-left corner of the screen. And remember that it will only serve the purpose of switch back and forth between experiences — the Start menu isn’t coming back.
But wait… There is more. It is highly possible that the software giant will also include an option to change the Start screen for a list of applications, and to allow users to use the same desktop background in the Start screen.
Although, this information comes from Paul Thurrott, who has confirmed the leaked screenshot showing the Windows 8.1 Start button is true, there are also chances that Microsoft change gears at the last-minute. But if the changes stay, they will certainly help all those users who couldn’t find their way around the operating system.
Finally also expect the Windows 8.1 update to bring the boot-to-desktop option, which in the same way as with the Start screen wallpaper option will be disabled by default.
Source WinSupersite via Neowin