April will be a good month for Xbox Live Gold members as Microsoft is doubling the amount of games for Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners. For the month of April, the Games with Gold program will be giving away six games in total, two for Xbox One and four for Xbox 360.
Through the month of April, Xbox One owners with an Xbox Live Gold subscription can download free Pool Nation FX ($13.99 value) and Child Light ($14.99 value).
Starting April 1 and until the 15th, Xbox 360 owners can download Gears of War: Judgement ($19.99 value) and Terraria ($14.99 value) for free with a Gold subscription.
From April 16 and until the end of the month, Gold members can download Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag ($19.99 value) and Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel ($19.99 value).
Just remember all you need is an Xbox Live Gold membership to take advantage of Microsoft’s Games with Gold program. If you don’t have a subscription there are always good deals in Amazon, and if you have an older version of Xbox 360 with limited storage you can pick up a cheap hard drive upgrade too.