On any computer, we have the tendency to download a lot of junk from the internet, such as images, documents, videos, software, and more, which typically, we use once or twice and never delete. Over time, these files can pile up and use a lot of valuable space on the hard drive.
Since the Creators Update, Windows 10 includes Storage sense, a feature to automatically delete temporary files and those that have been in the recycle bin for over 30 days. And now with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the feature also includes an option to delete files in the Downloads folders that haven’t change in the last month.
In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to configure Storage sense to cleanup files that haven’t changed over 30 days on Windows 10.
How to cleanup the Downloads folder automatically
To configure Storage sense to automatically delete files in the Downloads folder, do the following:
Open Settings.
Click on System.
Click on Storage.
Turn on the Storage sense toggle switch if it’s not already enabled.
Click on the Change how we free up space link.
Windows 10 Storage settings -
Turn on the Delete files in my Downloads folder that haven’t changed for over 30 days toggle switch.
Windows 10 Storage Sense settings
Inside the settings page, you can also turn on other options to free up space in your device storage, including Delete temporary files that my apps aren’t using and Delete files that have been in the recycle bin for over 30 days.
Once you completed the steps, Windows 10 will automatically cleanup the Downloads folder to free up space on your hard drive.
If you enable this feature, it would be a really good idea to move the files you want to keep to your Documents or OneDrive folders, because Windows 10 won’t care and after a month, if they haven’t changed they’ll be deleted.
If you can’t find this option in the Settings app, it’s because you don’t have the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update installed on your PC. This feature is available starting with Windows 10 build 16199 and later.