Although Google Chrome can handle a lot of tabs, after so many open pages, it becomes difficult to manage them and harder to keep track on whatever you’re doing on the web.
Tab Groups is a new feature that allows you to easily create groups of open tabs to better organize pages that you’re viewing. However, the features is disabled by default, and you must dive into the experimental settings to enable it.
In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to enable and start using Tab Groups to better manage and organize your open tabs in Chrome on Windows 10.
How to enable Tab Groups in Chrome
Enable Tab Groups in Chrome:
Open Google Chrome.
Type the following path in the address bar and press Enter:
Chrome Tab Groups option -
Under the “Tab Groups” section, use the drop-down menu on the right and select Enabled (or Disabled to turn the feature off).
Click the Relaunch button.
Once you complete the steps, you can start creating groups to better manage your open tabs.
How to use Tab Groups in Chrome
Use Tab Groups in Chrome:
Open Google Chrome.
Open some websites.
Right-click a tab and select the Add to new group option.
Chrome create group tab option -
Click the colored circular button to customize the group.
Specify a name of the group of tabs. For example, News, Videos, Research, etc.
Chrome customize tab group -
Select the color to better identify the group.
Right-click other tabs and select the Add to existing group menu and choose the group you want to add the tab.
Add tab to group -
(Optional) Right-click a tab and select the Add to new group option to create another group.
After you complete the steps, you’ll have a better control and organization over your open tabs.
When using Tab Groups, you can drag and drop tabs around to move them to another group, or you can right-click a tab and select the Add to existing group menu and choose the group you want to move it.
If you no longer need the tab in a group, right-click the tab and select the Remove from group option.
To remove all the tabs, click the colored dot and select the Ungroup option, or Close group to close all the tabs of a group. Or you can always close each tab individually.

If you don’t like the current order of the groups, you can click and hold the colored dot icon to rearrange the order of the groups within the window.
While Tab Groups is a useful feature to manage open pages, remember that the feature is only available during the current session, once you close and reopen Google Chrome, the groups will be removed.