Firefox Metro for Windows 8 ready for testing [Download]

firefox metro win8 download

It’s been on the works for a while, but today Mozilla finally made available a new version of Firefox that is optimized to take advantage of the new Windows 8 modern user interface. The latest build of the open source web browser is available for as a Nightly test version, which it aimed for developers.

The announcement was made by Asa Dotzler from the Mozilla team, who stated that while this still a work in progress project, Firefox Metro for Windows 8 is “stable enough” for people to give it a try.

metro firefox win8 download

In a different article Dotzler also noted:

The preview includes a new Metro style Firefox Start page, support for Firefox Sync, Metro touch and swipe gestures, integration with Windows 8 “charms”, and a simple but powerful Australis interface that is streamlined, modern, and beautiful. Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be adding more features, tightening up Windows integration, improving performance and responsiveness, and finishing up all the necessary work to deliver a first class Firefox experience for Windows 8.

If you are planning to try the test version of the browser remember that you need to set Firefox as the default web browser — Windows 8 only allows one “Metro style” internet browser –. Also make sure that you double-check that you are running the latest version (Nightly > Help > About Nightly), and you cannot run the open source software in Windows RT devices. Finally, just keep in mind that the Metro version of Firefox still under development, as such don’t expect to work flawless. You can download the latest Metro Firefox Nightly build from the Mozilla website.

Source Asa Dotzler

About the author

Mauro Huculak is a Windows How-To Expert who started Pureinfotech in 2010 as an independent online publication. He has also been a Windows Central contributor for nearly a decade. Mauro has over 15 years of experience writing comprehensive guides and creating professional videos about Windows and software, including Android and Linux. Before becoming a technology writer, he was an IT administrator for seven years. In total, Mauro has over 21 years of combined experience in technology. Throughout his career, he achieved different professional certifications from Microsoft (MSCA), Cisco (CCNP), VMware (VCP), and CompTIA (A+ and Network+), and he has been recognized as a Microsoft MVP for many years. You can follow him on X (Twitter), YouTube, LinkedIn and Email him at [email protected].