Most people who has been relying on Windows for many years, it might take some get used to Windows 8′ new Metro style user interface, but one thing that many users are going miss is the Start menu that has been part of the operating system since Windows 95.
Now with Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a new menu called the Start Screen, which in my personal opinion is great, all the live tiles with useful information about each individual application, the ability to group set of applications together (for example, for work, entertainment, reading, etc.), and much more. While the Start Screen is set to replace the Start menu users will expect to at least have available some old options, such as the links to Computer, Documents, Devices and Printers, Network, etc.
By default these links will not appear in the Start Screen, however in Windows 8 Consumer Preview, Microsoft made it easier to add these shortcuts. Keep reading to learn more.
The process to pin shortcuts to the Start Screen
1. Go to Desktop and open the Windows Explorer.
2. For this example, I am selecting Desktop from the Favorites menu in left pane and a set of icons to different locations (Libraries, Computer, Control Panel, Recycle Bin, etc.) will be displayed. Right-click the locations you want and select Pin to Start. That’s it!
If you are one of those users that feels that are going to miss the old Start menu, one more thing you can do is to re-arrange the Start Screen tiles around to make it look similar to the old menu (refer to the image below), programs on left and links to other locations on the right.
If you have any tips or question on Windows 8, don’t forget to leave a comment.