Although, on Windows 10, you can use the Photos app to view and edit pictures, it’s also a great tool to print photos if you prefer a physical copy of a particular moment, which you can then frame and hang or gift a precious memory to someone.
In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to print a picture with the Photos app using the best settings on Windows 10.
How to print picture using Photos
To print a picture using the best printer settings using the Photos app on Windows 10, make sure the printer is ready, and use these steps:
Open Photos.
Select the picture. If you can’t find the image, because it’s not stored in the default location, you can use these steps to add the folder as an additional source.
Click the Print button from the top-right corner.
Photos print option Quick tip: You can right-click the image to select the Print option. Or you can use the Ctrl + P keyboard shortcut. -
Use the “Printer” drop-down menu to select the printer destination.
Printer settings on Photos -
Use the “Orientation” drop-down menu to select the option to print the picture in Landscape (horizontal) or Portrait (vertical) mode.
Use the “Paper size” drop-down menu to select the actual size of the paper available in your printer. For example, Letter, A4, 4x6in, etc.
Use the “Paper type” drop-down menu to select the type print paper. For example, Plain Paper, HP Everyday Photo Paper Glossy, etc. You can determine the type of paper from the paper box that you purchased.
Use the “Photo size” drop-down menu to specify the size of the picture printout. If you’re already selected a paper size, then unless you have a specific reason, you should leave this option in Full page.
More settings option on Photos -
Use the “Fit” drop-down menu to select the Shrink to fit option to prevent image from stretching to fill the paper.
Click the More settings option.
Under the “Paper and quality” section, use the “Output quality” drop-down menu to select the print quality. If you’re printing a picture, you should consider using the High quality option.
Printer picture quality and borders settings -
Under the “Output options” section, use the Borderless printing drop-down menu to decide if the picture should have borders.
Click the OK button.
See the preview to confirm the settings.
Click the Print button.
Once you complete the steps, the printer will begin printing the photo that you specified.
When using the printer options on Windows 10, the settings available may be different per printer model and manufacturer, but the concept is the same regardless the printer.