Microsoft is releasing the second update for Windows 10 Technical Preview, this time is build 9879, but unlike the previous release, build 9860, the 9879 is being released to the “Fast” ring of the Windows Insider Program.
This means that if you want to test this less stable build of Windows 10, you need to go to PC settings, Update and recovery, Preview builds, and you must change from Slow to Fast in the drop-down menu option. (And you must be signed-in with your Windows Insider Program account to get the new bits.) Once you change to Fast, simply click Check now to install the new build.
This is a full build of the preview and it will install as an in-place upgrade and you’ll go through the out-of-the-box-experience all over again.
What’s new in Windows 10 preview build 9879 based on feedbacks
Some of the changes Microsoft is making in this new build are result of user feedback and here is the list:
- As I previously talked about, Microsoft has included a way to hide the Search or Task View (virtual desktop) on the taskbar. If you don’t like the new buttons, simply right-click the taskbar and click which button you want to hide.
- Another top request from users was that the new minimize and restore animation for apps were jarring, now Microsoft has updated these animations.
- The Charms menu on apps three dots button has been replaced with a “hamburger-style” icon (three lines) like you’ll see in Chrome and mobile devices, and now it’s easier to discover.
- The company has also fixed a number of bugs as result of user submission.
Microsoft is also noting that there are some well-known issues that are present on build 9879:
- Black screen trying to log-in or unlock Windows. The solution is to hold the power button down and hard restart the system.
- You cannot connect to Distributed File System network locations.
- Some will see that the hard drive used space will grow about 20GB plus, due to driver install duplication. If your installation is on a virtual machine or hard drive with not enough space this could cause the installation to roll back to the previous build.
- Skype call will disconnect and Music will stop playing if you minimize the application.
- Issues sharing with Lync.
Also, very important, Microsoft had a change of heart and decided that will be releasing ISO images for each new build it releases, including for build 9879. But the only catch is that you’ll have to wait a bit longer, as the company will only release new Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO files for the Slow ring of the Windows Insider Program. Today, because Microsoft is releasing the Windows 10 preview build 9879 to the Fast ring, there won’t be an ISO from the Windows Insider Program.
Finally, Microsoft has stated that this build we’re getting today is the last build Windows Insider will receive this year, new build will keep coming in early 2015.
Update: If you can’t wait for Microsoft to release the ISO version of the operating system, you can download the enterprise version of build 9879 now.
Source Microsoft