18 Features Microsoft should include in Windows 10

Windows 9 logo purple

Windows 10 is set to be the next best and greatest operating system, the one that fully improves and fixes the shortcomings of the confusing Windows 8. After two significant updates, the operating system improved dramatically. However, consumers still fear upgrading, and as such, Microsoft is moving quickly to abandon the bad publicity that is hunting the “Windows 8” name. For Windows 10, the company is going back to the drawing board, focusing on those who use it the most: desktop users. Now, here are the 18 features Microsoft should include on Windows 10:

1. Better display scaling: Although Microsoft has improved on Windows 8.1 automatic scaling, it only works per computer, not per display. If you currently have a Windows 8.1 Ultrabook with retina display, Windows will look beautiful automatically, but extending to another monitor, let’s say a 1080p display, it will mirror the same scaling settings from the primary display, which is not optimal. As such, on Windows 10, Microsoft should consider adding more scaling options to allow scaling per display.

Automatic scaling in Windows 8.1

2. Wi-Fi Sense: This is a great new feature introduced in Windows Phone 8.1 Update. It allows the operating system to detect and connect automatically to Wi-Fi networks that offer free internet access. Even more, this feature will automatically agree to the terms of service when required. It also allows you to share Wi-Fi networks with contacts on Outlook.com, Skype, and Facebook friends, even preventing others from seeing your passwords. It is a really convenient way to quickly access the internet while saving data usage for those on metered networks, and Windows 10 should include this flexibility as well.

3. Action center: As we are now in a mobile world and we’re accustomed to many features found in our phones, Microsoft has to realize that an “action center” for Windows, something like what’s in Windows Phone 8.1, is needed. The one place where users can get access to notifications and quick settings for wireless, Bluetooth, airplane mode, VPN, and perhaps also combining notifications from the Windows Action Center that only displays system alerts.

4. Universal dictionary: A Chrome extension called “Google Dictionary” allows users to look up any word definition and synonyms. The extension shines when you are reading an article, and by simply double-clicking the word, it automatically pops up its definition with the option to hear how the word is pronounced. Windows 10 should include similar functionality throughout the operating system and apps.

Google Dictionary for Chrome

5. Remote keyboard and mouse: Many users work with multiple computers, and having two, three, or four sets of keyboard and mouse can get messy, so it would be really useful if the next version of Windows (Threshold) included functionality to share one set of keyboard and mouse between multiple computers over the local network without the need of extra software.

6. Remote audio: Let’s face it, integrated computer speakers suck, and chances are that you will only buy one set of good speakers for the PC you use the most. As such, the idea here would be to include functionality that could allow other computers to stream audio to the main computer via the local network to make use of those good speakers in your primary PC.

7. Smart volume: This is a very simple approach, when you’re listening music using the computers speakers, you set the volume at one level, when using headphones, you set the volume differently, and when connecting a new set of speakers, you again set the volume differently. Windows 10 should include “smart volume” functionality that sets the proper volume if external speakers or headphones are connected through the headphone jack or Bluetooth or when using the computer speakers. While at it, Microsoft should also add a close button to the on-screen volume notification as it gets in the way when changing the volume or skipping songs.

8. Remote to control other computers: We’re now seeing more often that people connect computers to their televisions. But having to buy a separate “media center keyboard” may not be ideal for everyone. For Windows 10, Microsoft should create an app for tablets and phones that allows the use of those devices to control a remote computer with a virtual keyboard and mouse, something similar to what SmartGlass does for Xbox One and OneGuide.

9. Internet Explorer extensions: Let’s be honest, IE doesn’t have any good extensions compared to Google Chrome or even Firefox. In future versions of the popular web browser, I would like to see Microsoft poking developers to create more useful extensions. Particularly, I would like to see services integration like Buffer, bit.ly, Twitter, Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and many more. (This will help users do more without having to switch screens.)

10. One Internet Explorer: Today still a bit confusing, you have one version of IE on the desktop and if you’re in a tablet you get another version, the “modern IE”. It’ll be fantastic if Microsoft can somehow manage to marry the browsers into one consistent experience, even more so now that Windows 10 will finally feature windowed Metro-style apps.

Modern IE snapped with desktop version of Internet Explorer

11. Better bookmarking on Internet Explorer: One thing none of the web browsers out there can do well is bookmarking. We’ve been compiling many years of findings on the internet, and today, it’s becoming really hard to access all those links. For the next version of Internet Explorer, Microsoft should look into making bookmarking a better experience on IE and not just a simple saving-the-link operation.

12. Better sharing experience: The rumor has it that Microsoft will strip away the Charms bar in Windows 10, though Charms functionality will still exist but in different forms. However, sharing has to improve. Sharing among apps works fine; here, I’m referring to sharing a link on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. The software giant should include an option plug other services to share links like Buffer, bit.ly, Goo.gl, and other shortener services, this will make more convenient and cleaner to share content with others.

13. Internet Explorer tweaks: The modern version of IE is perhaps the best experience browsing the web using a Windows tablet, but there is always room for improvement. One thing that I find frustrating when using the software is getting the hang of tabbing. The options are confusing and hard to identify for normal users, also opening a new tab in a new window is tricky. You have to open a new tab, press, and hold, and then choose “Open tab in a new window” – too many steps. Simply press and hold the new tap button, which should pop up a menu with the option to open a tab in a new window. But overall, the address bar has to be rethought to be an easier experience for users.

14. Internet Explorer notifications: Toaster notifications are a great way to stay on top what’s going on in your digital life, almost every Metro-style app in Windows 8 has notification capabilities. However, Internet Explorer has no notifications. One idea could be to enable per-site notifications, and it could work by simply adding an option that can alert users of certain activities within a web page: new Twitter direct message, getting a new email on Outlook.com or Gmail, via RSS feed you can get notify of a new article from your favorite website and much more — all without the need of additional apps.

15. Flat design: If you look at the Windows 8 desktop, you’ll notice that it is practically the same as Windows 7. The only major difference is the Start button, if Microsoft keeps betting on a modern design language, it should be consistent through the entire operating system, and as such the Windows Desktop should have a metro-flat makeover to match the new modern environment you see in the Start screen.

Windows flat desktop design concept

16. Cortana: She is the digital assistant introduced in Windows Phone 8.1 that assists you in setting reminders and appointments, answering questions, and even telling you jokes, all to help you plan your day accordingly, similar to Apple’s Siri.

Cortana would be a major addition to Windows, just think of the possibilities, just imagine, setting a reminder on your Windows Phone and Cortana reminding you what you need to do in your PC.

17. Better guidelines to build apps: Although this isn’t a feature, I would like to say that it’s getting very frustrating finding apps in the Windows Store that have really poor design. Icons, color theme, and images look horrible, sometimes I just skip installing or I uninstall an app because it looks terrible. And many others not only look bad, but they aren’t what they claim to be. Microsoft should create a set of guidelines for modern apps published in the Windows Store so they don’t suck in design.

18. Make it free: One way that Microsoft could make sure everyone is running the latest version of the operating system using its apps and cloud services is by stopping charging to upgrade to the latest version. It should be a per-computer deal, for example, you bought a new computer with Windows pre-installed, then you should be able to update to the latest version until it’s time to replace it. It isn’t yet clear, but the rumor is that Microsoft may be planning to let Windows XP, Vista, 7, and Windows 8 update for free to Windows 10.

Do you like to see other features and changes in Windows 10? Let us know in the comments below.

About the author

Mauro Huculak is a Windows How-To Expert who started Pureinfotech in 2010 as an independent online publication. He has also been a Windows Central contributor for nearly a decade. Mauro has over 15 years of experience writing comprehensive guides and creating professional videos about Windows and software, including Android and Linux. Before becoming a technology writer, he was an IT administrator for seven years. In total, Mauro has over 21 years of combined experience in technology. Throughout his career, he achieved different professional certifications from Microsoft (MSCA), Cisco (CCNP), VMware (VCP), and CompTIA (A+ and Network+), and he has been recognized as a Microsoft MVP for many years. You can follow him on X (Twitter), YouTube, LinkedIn and About.me. Email him at [email protected].