Google Now arrives in the Canary desktop version of Chrome (update)
Google Now, the same functionality found in Android, makes its first official landing, after earlier attempt in the latest ...
Google Now, the same functionality found in Android, makes its first official landing, after earlier attempt in the latest ...
Keeping with the rapid releases, Google recently rolled out Chrome version 29, among changes and improvements the company also ...
Many websites have great content, but sometimes they are not designed with the users in mind. I am referring to those cases where ...
If you are using the latest beta version of Chrome, you might have noticed a new notification at the bottom-left corner that said: ...
High Contrast is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to invert web pages color scheme quickly and easily for better readability. ...
Users are starting to get upgraded to the new Facebook Timeline, and as cool as this new feature is for many, there still a ton of ...
Google makes easy to import bookmarks from other web browser, but for exporting, although it still an easy process, you’ll need ...
To stop Facebook from tracking you on the web there are several ways to do it and in this article you’ll learn some of them ...
If you skipped the bookmarks import step during Google Chrome installation or you are just moving to this awesome web browser and you ...
In a previous article I showed you a new feature called Compact Navigation that comes in Google Chrome version 13. Now there is another ...